‘Daily Activity Report’ Fundamentals:- What Should It Include?

DARs or Daily Activity Report is an integral part of an effective corporate security team. These reports act as a cornerstone to effectual client communication. And even though the presence of a proper activity report serves value to you, it is the accurate information and data which makes the entire thing invaluable.

So, if you have hired corporate security guards for your Sydney office, then here are some basic elements that should include in a DAR!

A Daily Activity Report Should Include:-

  • The Arrival/Departure Time For Your Work Site:-
The first key aspect to include in a DAR is the arrival and departure time of the office. It should properly reflect the actual starting time/closing time of your workplace.
There should not be the presence of any misleading data or information.
  • Information Regarding A Change In Shift:-
The second key aspect to include in a DAR report is information regarding any change in a work shift. Every shift contains one bit of insightful information that the rest of the security guard has learned, and the rest should know.
The DAR report should document any changes in the shift and provide a confirmation to the client that any respected change in shift is acknowledged. Your stationed security guards should include the information with total transparency so that everyone is on the same page regarding what is happening on their concerned work shift.
  • A Proper Record Of All The Daily Activities- In Which Should Also Include Routinely Patrolling.
Your office DAR should also have everything a security guard does. This includes how well are their making their presence felt on a particular workplace via patrolling or how well are they preventing any unwanted activity from taking place.
Other than these, it should also include hourly snapshots of all post activity. Your so-called trained officers should incorporate as much information as they can to accurately represent everything- big or small!
  • Or Occurrence Of Any Unusual Activity.
Lastly; along with including all usual day-to-day activities; your office DAR must also include non-normal activities regardless of how insignificant it may be.
Some Incidents Which Should Include Are:-
  • All forms of safety hazards.
  • All upkeep problems.
  • Unknown visitors.
  • Any security risks or concerns (regardless of its severity).
  • Activities of all vendors working on-site like street sweepers, construction or janitorial operators.
  • Gates or doors which should be locked- found unlocked!
  • And all positive and negative contacts from any given person on the work-site!
Does Your Office DAR Include These?

Now that you know what should include in a proper DAR, check if your hired security guards adhere to it. If not, then you should consult with notable security services serving Sydney for better-qualified guards who know how to create accurate, lucid and transparent DARs.

The good news is that there are numerous agencies who specialise in top-notch professional security guard services in Sydney inside your budget.

And if you’re looking for word of mouth- get in touch with “Security One 2 Onetoday!


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