
Showing posts from September, 2019

Why Should I Check The Criminal Record Of My Security Guards?

The first reason why you should check the criminal record of a person you are looking to hire as a security guard is that it would tell you how honest that person is. Not everybody is indeed a perfect human being. People make mistakes when they are young, they pay for it, and when they get older they are smarter and wiser. If a person is honest she or he would put her or his criminal record on her or his resume and/or job application. If she or he is not so she or he would try and hide it from you. If a person is dishonest, and if you can find that out, you should not hire her or him. It is that simple!    It Would Protect You from Lawsuits If you hire  security guards Sydney   who have been convicted criminals earlier on it would be better that you found that out beforehand. You should know that in case something untoward happens at your business premises this criminal record could come back to bite you in the wrong places. It could be used in court cases against you